Saturday, 25 May 2013

Contact Us

Since the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team were featured in the Echo, visits to this website have gone through the roof. We have had one or two technical issues with the email address which have now been resolved and welcome those wish to contact us.

Utter Madness

The Echo ran with an article on Thursday that the Shoeburyness Residents Association were going to hold a vote at their Kangaroo Court, sorry AGM on plans for flood defences at Shoebury Common.

To whip up the membership of the Leitrim Avenue Peter Lovett fan club, sorry, the Shoeburyness Residents Association, John Budge from the Shoeburyness Residents Association have 'blasted' our local councillors for the heinous crime of...asking residents in the flood plain their views on the proposed flood defences. Here is a copy of the offending leaflet which caused John Budge to look totally spaced out and danger man Peter Lovett to look mortified.

This is the same John Budge who urged residents to attend a public meeting so the council could hear a wide range of views? Surely not.

Or the same Peter Lovett who accuses the council of not listening to the views of the electorate but doesn't want our local councillors to solicit residents view? Surely not.

If danger man Peter Lovett believes their is such huge opposition, then surely he would want residents to tell their councillors? The real reason why Peter Lovett does not like residents in the flood plain being asked their views can be found in the last line of a recent readers letter. His motive is only for the people who use Shoebury Common recreationally not to protect residents in the flood plain whose lives could be in danger. Peter Lovett = one very, very dangerous man.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

David Trayner - Southend Echo

There has been some distasteful things said during the past few weeks but none more appalling than this from the Echo. This has appeared on a couple of occasions giving the impression that no one is listening to the shit that the pair of goons Peter Lovett and Ray Bailey spout but we support you

All the articles have the reporter David Trayner as heading up each article. Now if average members of the public in the Stop Bailey & Lovett Team can expose the real reasons why Peter Lovett and Ray Bailey are pushing the 'Friends of Shoebury Common' scheme then surely for a journalist it would be easy? This is, unless of course, that the Echo and David Trayner actually support these pair of prats and want our homes to flood. Below are the articles in question.

Jim Worsdale

Regular readers of the Southend Echo will be aware of the occasional ramblings of Jim Worsdale a former editor of the Echo. Jim has recently decided to use his article to write about the proposed flood defences at Shoebury Common.

To understand why dear old Jim has adopted these views it needs to be understood where Jim lives. Yes folks, you guessed it, Leitrim Avenue. The home of Peter Lovett. So now we have a neighbour using his media connections for another neighbour but supposedly speaking on behalf of all Shoebury residents. You couldn't make it up.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Finally, A Sensible Shoebury Resident

Our views entirely...

Thorpe Bay Yacht Club

Another 'group' to speak out against the flood defence plans at Shoebury Common are the Thorpe Bay Yacht Club. The comments on their website are worthy of some note. We have the secretary Bill Dashford, their 'Cruising Secretary' speak out against the plans who confirms that he lives nowhere Shoebury Common.  Also, one poster on their website confirms that Ray Bailey is behind this.

The Stop Lovett & Bailey Team could not agree more with Martyn Ellis who describes Lovett & Baileys alternative proposal as 'the meanderings of an old man'.

Here is his views in full:

Dear Nick,

Thank you for the email relating to the flood defense at Shoebury Common. Whilst I appreciate all you do for the club I believe you are wrong on this occasion. I note with interest that neither yourself or Ray Bailey have a property that would be affected by any potential flooding and it is in the interest of the well being and safety of my family that I respond.

Putting this into perspective “On 1 February 1953, the North Sea Flood hit Canvey Island during the night and caused the deaths of 58 people” I for one would not like to see a repeat of this headline. Sadly like others I am unable to view any sketches in the alternative document and cannot make a fair and measured opinion of both schemes without these at present. 

However, in my opinion many of the arguments raised in the alleged alternative design scheme appear unsubstantiated, weak and simply flawed in some cases. The introduction sounds like a group of people sat around a table and raised a wish list and list of moans;

“Impact on disabled (Mobility impaired) gaining access..”, no substantiation provided.
“Loss of privacy..”, again not substantiated.
“Health & safety issues when crossing the road”?
“New secure beach huts..” how nice…why? (I have one and don’t believe the rest of Shoeburys rate payers should sponsor it).
“Lifting the promenade will strengthen the sea wall” will it?
“Raising the boat ramp 900mm to match MOD wall” 

If this relates to the TBYC slipway location? I cannot see this being practicable any ramp allowing vehicular access would have to start in the middle of the road. I could go on, and without disrespect the document appears to be the meanderings of an old man.

If there is to be a serious and viable alternative, it must be well thought out and properly presented, i would suggest the input of a designer/engineer to arrive at a proper scheme that will offer the needed protection. I work for one of the worlds largest Civil engineering companies, given the two offerings in there present form, the council’s option(s) appears the most valid.


Ian Murdoch

It was good to see another of Ray Bailey's neighbour's in Parkanaur Avenue being a denier of a flood risk at Shoebury Common.

Don't worry folks, the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team are aware that Ian Murdoch is another committee member of the Burgess Estate Residents Association.

Cllr Peter Wexham

The Stop Lovett & Bailey Team were heartened to read the letter from Cllr Peter Wexham, a councillor over in Leigh of Sea.

Sensing the danger that other elected representatives may speak out against the 'Friends of Shoebury Common' the crackpot Peter Lovett goes into attack mode.

Interesting stuff Peter. Newspaper reports from the first public meeting made interesting reading, especially the locations from some of the members of the audience.

One audience member from Billericay, a Beach Hut owner from Elmer Avenue in Southend and another resident from Burgess Road. The silence from Peter Lovett in condemning those who live outside of Shoeburyness is deafening. This is also not forgetting that Ray Bailey is also a resident of Thorpe Bay and Peter Grubb, their other sidekick who owns Uncle Toms Cabinet lives in Great Wakering.

This can only be summed up as more despicable hypocrisy from a very, very dangerous man.

Shoeburyness Residents Association

On the eve of the public meetings, the Shoeburyness Residents Association appeared to be taking an understandable position of encouraging residents to attend the public meetings to ensure that their opinions could be taken into consideration in a readers letter in the Southend Echo.

The Stop Lovett & Bailey Team then unearthed another readers letter just a week later from the same John Budge appearing to support Lovett & Bailey.

Again, the address of John Budge is a giveaway, Leitrim Avenue - home to Peter Lovett. So much for standing up for all of the residents of Shoeburyness - more like a case of Shoeburyness Residents Association sticking up for their neighbour only.

Burgess Estate Residents Association

One group which has supposedly come out against improving sea defences at Shoebury Common are the Burgess Estate Residents Association according to an article in the Southend Echo.

Whilst this is just another example of people in Thorpe Bay who live in nice posh houses wanting to inflict misery on us in Shoeburyness. A quick look at the Burgess estate Residents Association website shows that the residents association were put under extreme pressure by Ray Bailey and Peter Lovett.

The decision by Ray and Peter to nobble the residents association is somewhat easier that some might imagine. One of the prominent committee members is Cllr Michael Stafford. A quick look at Southend Borough Council's website shows that Cllr Stafford lives in Parkanaur Avenue - the same road as one of the most dangerous men in Southend Ray Bailey!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Soil From The Cliffs Slip

One message that has constantly been pushed by the 'Friends of Shoebury Common' is that the Council is only pushing ahead with embankment on Shoebury Common as it needs somewhere to dump the soil from the Cliffs Slip.

This was mentioned by Ray Bailey at both public meetings and by him and Peter Lovett repeatedly in the press. What is a little known fact is that their alternative scheme ALSO proposes using the soil from the Cliffs  Slip. This is confirmed on the website of Daphne Johnson, another member of 'Friends of Shoebury Common' who lives on High Land in Church Road, Shoebury and also in another Echo Article.

Just fancy that! Hypocrisy from 'Friends of Shoebury Common'.


Unlike some councillors who just fleece the public purse and like the free lunches, just before the start of the Council's consultation some of the members of the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team received a leaflet from our local Conservative Councillors warning of the stark reality if we followed Ray Bailey and did nothing at Shoebury Common which was featured in the Southend Echo.

Seizing on his moment, Peter Lovett, the erstwhile member of 'Friends of Shoebury Common couldn't help but have a pop at Cllr Tony Cox, one of the authors of the leaflet, in the Echo Letters Page.

What was interesting to note from the letter was the address of Peter Lovett. Peter lives in Leitrim Avenue which is outside the flood zone. Don't take our word for it because Peter confirms this in another Echo readers letter after he was challenged by another Shoebury resident on his motives.

Sadly Peter Lovett is another member of 'Friends of Shoebury Common' who lives on high ground not caring   for the residents in the flood plain at risk. After doing some digging, the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team can reveal that Peter Lovett lives in one of the properties in Leitrim Avenue which overlooks Shoebury Common from his garden meaning that he is only really interested in his view whilst not giving a toss if others flood.

It was interesting to see that Peter accuse Cllr Tony Cox of scaremongering when he claimed in the leaflet that by doing nothing homes may become uninsurable. Please Peter, don't apologise on the councillors behalf as the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team believes he deserves a medal for having the guts to say it how it is.

We also couldn't help but notice the comments made by Ray Bailey in his speech handout at the second public meeting on the 29th April which acknowledges the issue insurance issue.

Come on Peter, surely it is now time to now apologise to Cllr Tony Cox?

A Week Is A Long Time

There is an old saying that a week is a long time in politics but a week is also a long time for Ray Bailey. In our last post, the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team published a copy of the speech made by Ray Bailey at the second public meeting at Shoeburyness High School on the 29th April. Where Ray claims that 'Friends of Shoebury Common' are 'not against improving sea defences'

Our thanks go a resident who emailed the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team on Thursday, a copy of the speech made by Ray at the first public meeting on the 23rd April.

On page two we couldn't help but notice that Ray was still peddling the lie that improvements to Shoebury Common were not needed. What did amuse us was the line that the priority, according to Ray, was to fix the existing sea wall. What Ray really wanted to say but didn't have the nerve was that his priority to ensure he could park his car next to his Beach Hut as he does not give a shit if homes flood in Shoebury as I live on high dry land in Thorpe Bay.

Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Where It All Began

Back in June 2012, the Shoeburyness Residents Association held a public meeting on the issue of  the proposed sea defences at Shoebury Common. At the meeting, representatives from the council gave a presentation on its proposals.

It was at this meeting that Ray Bailey, a Beach Hut owner who lives on high dry land in Parkanaur Avenue outside of any flood plain, first became known to the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team. Following his garbled rant at the meeting, he decided to put this into words and distributed a letter with enclosed analysis to a number of residents including one member of the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team in August last year.

Unbelievably, as part of his 'analysis' he describes the current sea defences at Shoebury Common as 'a luxury' and claimed that 'there was immediate need for improved sea defences at Shoebury Common.

A year later it would seem that Ray has done a u-turn and as a member of 'Friends of Shoebury Common' and suggested an alternative flood defence scheme to the Council. At the recent public meetings at Shoeburyness High School, Ray very kindly, gave everyone in the audience a copy of his speech that he made.

Ray claimed in his chest thumping rabble rousing speech that the Friends of Shoebury Common were definitely not against improving sea defences.

Poor Ray, we think, needs to do some explaining. How can someone just six months earlier claim that there is no immediate need for improved sea defences at Shoebury Common yet now produce an alternative flood defence scheme?

What did amuse the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team however, was the assertion that the 'Friends of Shoebury Common' were not idiots. Well Ray, dear boy, anyone who believes any flood defences are luxury are not just idiots in our book but dangerous idiots!

Saturday, 11 May 2013


Welcome to the website of Stop Lovett & Bailey. We are a group of residents who live in the flood plain at Shoebury Common concerned at the real motives of Peter Lovett and Ray Bailey. In our view, Peter Lovett and Ray Bailey, who have started the group 'Friends of Shoebury Common and are working in cahoots with Peter Grubb, the owner of Uncle Toms Cabin, and Daphne Johnson are two of the most dangerous men in Southend.

Over the coming days and weeks, this website will expose the real motives of their 'alternative scheme' and highlight their alarming views on the flood risk at Shoebury Common. Please feel free to get in touch with us at