Wednesday, 22 May 2013

David Trayner - Southend Echo

There has been some distasteful things said during the past few weeks but none more appalling than this from the Echo. This has appeared on a couple of occasions giving the impression that no one is listening to the shit that the pair of goons Peter Lovett and Ray Bailey spout but we support you

All the articles have the reporter David Trayner as heading up each article. Now if average members of the public in the Stop Bailey & Lovett Team can expose the real reasons why Peter Lovett and Ray Bailey are pushing the 'Friends of Shoebury Common' scheme then surely for a journalist it would be easy? This is, unless of course, that the Echo and David Trayner actually support these pair of prats and want our homes to flood. Below are the articles in question.

1 comment:

  1. It was the Echo that reported the preferred option in 2012 otherwise the soil would have been transported directly onto the Common & the wall completed in March 2013. Friends of Shoebury Common are waiting patiently for you to expose the real reason why we are fighting for our supporters in an honest & OPEN way. If we have told a lie, then expose us. If we have given incorrect information then provide the facts. If you know the facts, then please answer the 19 questions raised?
