Friday, 17 May 2013


Unlike some councillors who just fleece the public purse and like the free lunches, just before the start of the Council's consultation some of the members of the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team received a leaflet from our local Conservative Councillors warning of the stark reality if we followed Ray Bailey and did nothing at Shoebury Common which was featured in the Southend Echo.

Seizing on his moment, Peter Lovett, the erstwhile member of 'Friends of Shoebury Common couldn't help but have a pop at Cllr Tony Cox, one of the authors of the leaflet, in the Echo Letters Page.

What was interesting to note from the letter was the address of Peter Lovett. Peter lives in Leitrim Avenue which is outside the flood zone. Don't take our word for it because Peter confirms this in another Echo readers letter after he was challenged by another Shoebury resident on his motives.

Sadly Peter Lovett is another member of 'Friends of Shoebury Common' who lives on high ground not caring   for the residents in the flood plain at risk. After doing some digging, the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team can reveal that Peter Lovett lives in one of the properties in Leitrim Avenue which overlooks Shoebury Common from his garden meaning that he is only really interested in his view whilst not giving a toss if others flood.

It was interesting to see that Peter accuse Cllr Tony Cox of scaremongering when he claimed in the leaflet that by doing nothing homes may become uninsurable. Please Peter, don't apologise on the councillors behalf as the Stop Lovett & Bailey Team believes he deserves a medal for having the guts to say it how it is.

We also couldn't help but notice the comments made by Ray Bailey in his speech handout at the second public meeting on the 29th April which acknowledges the issue insurance issue.

Come on Peter, surely it is now time to now apologise to Cllr Tony Cox?

1 comment:

  1. We care about peoples lives but we also care about their VIEWS, which is why an alternative option was suggested. If you care about peoples lives, why are we building another 450 homes (phase one) on a serious level 3 flood plain. Although the ABI agreed to extend its deadline until 31st July 2013, without government funding, it could end up with these people not being able to obtain insurance, but this will have nothing to do with the preferred option. This area is at serious risk of surface water or pluvial flooding as it did in 1968, 2000 & 2001. If you want pictures please ask. Why show pictures of houses with pluvial flooding. No houses have ever flooded from sea water at Shoebury Common. Where are the facts to support flooding in the future? Where are the 500 homes at risk?
