This was mentioned by Ray Bailey at both public meetings and by him and Peter Lovett repeatedly in the press. What is a little known fact is that their alternative scheme ALSO proposes using the soil from the Cliffs Slip. This is confirmed on the website of Daphne Johnson, another member of 'Friends of Shoebury Common' who lives on High Land in Church Road, Shoebury and also in another Echo Article.
Just fancy that! Hypocrisy from 'Friends of Shoebury Common'.
It is obvious that as the soil is now stored, free of charge by the developer, at Gunners Park, but the intention was to lay this London Clay Soil onto Shoebury Common. The council produced a bar chart program which showed works starting in October 2012 and completing in April 2013, in the hope that it would be laid direct from the Cliffs. The existing flood plain is SAND, so once clay is laid on top, we will lose our flood plain and gain a mud bath. Soil is only required behind the new wall on the common, not on the car park or Uncle Toms? Why raise the car park by 5 foot of soil - What purpose does this serve, other than to get rid of all the soil?